Southern Asia*, Eurasia
Opportunity #3042
Missionary Associate (1-2 years)
Career (3+ years)
Type: Administrative, Business As Missions, and ESL or TESL
LiveDead Team Leaders in Nepal are looking for workers with a heart for unreached people groups and a desire to use their administrative and coaching skills to serve in Nepal. Individuals or a family are needed to administrate and manage a previously established language school that uses the Growing Participator Approach (GPA) for language learning. This language school, located in Kathmandu, is making an impact among multiple organizations by filling a need for effective language acquisition and cultural learning in Nepal. Currently in its fifth year of operation, the ministry footprint of this language center continues to grow. The language center is currently adding online class options to its business model, in addition to in-person classes. Workers filling this role would also have the opportunity to contribute to a church planting team focused on unreached Tibetan Buddhist people groups. Important skills needed for this position include organizational, administration and coaching skills, as well as a teachable and flexible spirit.