Wide Open Missions

Find Out Where You Can Experience the Call

Costa Rica, Latin America Caribbean

Opportunity #3031

MAPS Volunteer (1-11 months)

MA (1-2 years)

Career (3+ years)

Type: Administrative, Campus Ministry, Children's Ministry, Church and Outreach, Church Planting, Compassion, Evangelism, Homeschool, Media, and Youth Ministry

SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA: Interested in missions but not sure what that looks like? We'd love to help you get started! We are looking for multiple people who can serve in one or more of these capacities (you would not be expected to fill every need):

  • Relationally share Christ on the university campus, disciple leaders and new Christians, and pioneer new campuses
  • Relationally reach a community through launching a microchurch and developing additional microchurch leaders
  • Creatively reach and serve the youth and local high schools
  • Develop a ministry to reach local children, families, and schools
  • Create and manage a dynamic social media and web presence
  • Administrate and organize the many moving parts of the ministry
  • Be the primary team and short-term working host and coordinator (help coordinate and care for all the interns, engage with people and teams)
  • Help with the host missionary's children's homeschooling and offer family support (this would be a primary role with some church involvement)

One person would not be required to fill each of these needs, rather this list shows some of the exciting ways you could use your skills and talents on the mission field.

To learn more about the Latin America Caribbean region, please explore www.lacworldmissions.org