Wide Open Missions

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Uruguay, Latin America Caribbean

Opportunity #2707

Missionary Associate (1-2 years)

Career (3+ years)

Type: Campus Ministry

SALTO, URUGUAY: Serve an urgent need by pioneering university ministry in the country of Uruguay, one of the most secular countries in Latin America Caribbean. We believe the key to reaching this nation is by first reaching its students. The largest, oldest, and most prestigious institute is called the University of the Republic (La Universidad de La Republica) and is located in Montevideo. With a student body of over 100,000, this field is ripe for harvest.

Serve by developing small groups on university campuses that disciple and reach students. Responsibilities would include serving, leading Bible studies, doing campus outreach, service projects, and more. Short term workers are welcome, as well as career missionaries called to establish this work.

The Assemblies of God of Uruguay has requested a career missionary to come and help this ministry get off the ground. A missionary serving Uruguay in this capacity would partner with the regional university initiative team, known as RedU (RedUniversitaria - "University Network"), to fulfill this ministry.

Qualifications: servant heart, willingness to learn and lead, teachable

To learn more about the Latin America Caribbean region, please explore www.lacworldmissions.org