Dedicate your life to fulfilling the Great Commission overseas as a career missionary. Career missionaries have diverse ministries and represent a wide range of educational and ministry backgrounds, but they all express a clear lifetime call to missions.
- A lifetime call to missions
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4
- Ordained, or eligible for or in the process of ordination with AG ministerial credentials
- Limited personal debt; see Financial Guidelines.
- Endorsement from candidate’s AG district missions department
- U.S. citizens or valid resident alien permit that allows travel to and from the U.S. with a valid U.S. work permit that allows return to the U.S. after living in another country for a year or more
Getting Started
To become a career missionary, or if you are a current Missionary Associate interested in transitioning to a career missions assignment with AGWM, complete our career missions inquiry survey by clicking the button below to begin the career missionary application process.
Career Missions Inquiry Survey
The information provided in the survey will allow us to request endorsement from your Assemblies of God District Missions Department.
Please contact your District Missions Director. In some districts, an interview is required before endorsement is given to AGWM. For district office contact information, visit the AG Church Directory.
The Application Process
- Once your application is received, it will take approximately 6 to 9 months to process.
- This process includes background checks, credit reports, references, health physicals, personality assessments, and a personal interview.
- Once the above list is completed, the Executive Committee of World Missions will review your information. If they approve, you will be invited to Candidate Orientation.
- Candidate Orientation is a one-week event that includes candidate sessions on a variety of topics (e.g.: itineration, understanding culture and missions, financial processes, insurance, spiritual formation, etc.) It is also a time to meet with the various departments and directors of AGWM, including your regional director. You will also have an interview with members of the Executive Committee (EC) and the World Missions Board (WMB) for a decision of final approval for career missionary service. For exact dates, click here.
- You will know if you are approved as a missionary before you leave Candidate Orientation.
- If you are approved as a missionary, you will have 90 days before you will have to begin full-time itineration.
Please have the following information on hand PRIOR to beginning the application. You will be required to add this information or attach the documents when submitting the application to AGWM.
- Undergraduate and graduate transcripts, or diplomas.
- Contact information for 5 references, including email addresses.
- Email addresses for Youth or Children's pastors for any dependent children age 5 and older.
- Financial amounts for monthly obligations.
- Financial plan for any obligations beyond $350 per month.
- Explanation for any bankruptcy or foreclosures.
- Chronological work history: specific dates (month, date, and year), reason for leaving employment, supervisor's name and position held.
- Schedule a comprehensive physical exam for yourself and each member of your family (if applicable) at least 8 weeks prior to Orientation. The application includes a form to be completed by your doctor. This form must be received prior to an invitation to orientation.
Financial Guidelines
Because all appointed and assigned missionaries have limited budgets, we feel it is necessary to seriously consider the finances of all applicants.
Those who apply for missionary appointment or assignment should not be overly indebted. Debts should be reasonable so as not to hinder the applicant with excessive repayment schedules, causing them undue hardship and financial stress. To help applicants avoid this, we have set the following guidelines for Appointed and Assigned Missionaries:
$350 per month debt maximum for those who do not have current student loan debt (with the exclusion of house and auto payments)
$500 per month debt maximum for those who have current student loan debt (with the exclusion of house and auto payments)
Should an applicant be overly indebted and someone would offer to repay some of the debts for them, consideration will be given to that arrangement. This would require a document from the person assuming repayment of the debt. The benefactor should be made aware that AG Total Giving Credit will not be given for repaying an applicant’s debt.
At times applicants will continue to complete the application regardless of the fact that their current debt payment schedule does not fall within the maximums set by AGWM, as listed above. If this is your situation, you can avoid unnecessary delays concerning your application if you provide the financial plan you are actively pursuing along with your completed application. Without those documents, continued processing is not guaranteed.
The 1987 General Presbytery requested the Executive Presbytery to take under advisement the matter of establishing a uniform policy or guidelines for dealing with ministers involved in bankruptcies. The Executive Presbytery appointed a committee to study this matter and report back to this meeting of the General Presbytery. The committee offers the following guidelines for districts to use when dealing with ministers involved in bankruptcy:
Any form of bankruptcy or other procedure resulting in the avoidance of lawful debts is inconsistent with scriptural standards of ministry. Ministers are to lead a "blameless" Christian life and "have a good report of them which are without." Perhaps most importantly, bankruptcy often brings reproach upon the cause of Christ. However, in some forms of bankruptcy, a debtor can reaffirm and pay all of his debts. Further, a debtor is free to voluntarily pay debts that have been discharged in bankruptcy. There may be causes in which extenuating circumstances warrant a decision based on mercy.
Social Security
The 1998 World Missions Board adopted the following policy regarding missionaries who have opted out of Social Security by signing the IRS Form 4361:
Missionaries who previously exempted themselves from Social Security will be required to reenter the program if Congress provides such an option.
What training and experience do I need?
A missionary must be properly equipped, adequately trained and sufficiently experienced. In some cases, the candidate may complete requirements during in-service training. God-given gifts and talents determine the missionary category and assignment.
You must be willing to prepare for the task, have a clear missionary call, a high level of commitment and total faith in God.
Do I need approval from Assemblies of God leaders where I live?
District leaders want to be acquainted with you to sense your burden and review your experience. Some districts have a special committee for screening missionary applicants. If so, you will need to meet with them. Your application must have district endorsement before AGWM can process your application.
How will Assemblies of God World Missions know my calling, areas of experience, and where I desire to serve?
Mobilzation & Development will send you forms to be completed. Personal references are also required for each applicant. The regional director for your area of interest reviews the completed forms and your district officials are contacted for endorsement. If both are positive, the Assemblies of God Executive Committee will approve to process your application.
What is Candidate Orientation?
Candidate Orientation is a one-week event held in Springfield, Missouri. During this week you will meet the director of your intended region and attend classes on AGWM policies, financial procedures and itineration practices. You will also meet with the Executive Committee and World Missions Board for a personal interview.
Will I be required to take any tests?
Good physical and emotional health are necessities for overseas ministry. After your application is received, you will receive details regarding medical exams, personality assessment, and an interview.
How long does the approval process take?
This process takes an average of six to nine months.
How will I get the funds to minister overseas?
A budget based on your field of ministry and individual family needs is established during orientation. You will need to raise the required amount from ministering in churches where you seek prayer and financial support (itineration). This process usually takes 13-15 months.