Wide Open Missions

Find Out Where You Can Experience the Call

Do You Need to Post an Opportunity?

Contact Your Region's Pipeline Representative 

See Pipeline below.

Items to Consider:

Consider a title and description for your opportunity as well as an expiration date (we recommend at least 6 months, but check with your pipeline representative for further information). You may want to write up the details so you will have something ready to submit to the pipeline representative for posting.

Please provide links for any attachment videos or websites to your pipleline representative as well. 


Reception of AD Approval is required before posting any opportunity. Please contact your Pipeline Representative for further information. 


Please contact your Pipeline representative to post your opportunity.

Africa: africapipeline@ag.org

Asia Pacific: appipeline@ag.org

Eurasia: eurasiapipeline@ag.org

Europe: europepipeline@ag.org

International Ministries: impipeline@ag.org

Latin America Caribbean: lacpipeline@ag.org

Northern Asia: napipeline@ag.org